What I am learning now

I am a continuous learner and I will try to keep track of my current learning journey's here. 

Starting January 2023, I am focused on upskilling primarily on Cloud Computing, Data Science, AI/ML domains.

Currently, My Primary Learning Resources are:

Above mentioned are the platforms I keep coming back to. I've tried a lot of platforms like Udemy, Khan Academy, edX, Data Camp, Oracle University and more but i did not proceed to use them. I went with what feels good for my learning style. I am always open to new learnings. 

See a detailed list of my current courses below. Use the emoji notations to understand the status

✅ Completed

🟡 Attending Now

❌ Upcoming

Learning On Coursera

To know about my past learnings, See My Coursera Profile or Check out my Completed Courses Section

What I am currently learning on Coursera?

- 8 Courses

Learning On IITM BS Online Degree

For me, the aim of pursuing this Part-Time Online degree program is to keep a small effort aside from my total upskilling time towards gaining back my bachelors degree. I will be doing this as an online part-time degree. I upskill mainly on multiple online platforms.  My aim on IITM BS Platform is to get an online bachelor's degree since I dropped out of college (Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, BTech CSE) in 2022.

To see my past learnings on IITM BS, Checkout My Student Profile

I am currently in the Foundation level of IITM BS Online Degree (8 Courses)
