My Interests


This page will be containing Books / Audiobooks / Podcast that I have read / listened to in the past and the ones I have in my current digital library. This page may also include some in-depth research papers that I have read in my journey to understand things like free will, origin of life, computer history, religion, cultures and theism/atheism in general etc. I do not include all of them.

Disclaimer: I'm not great at reading hard copy books, so I mainly rely on Audiobooks, Digital Version of Books, Amazon Kindle, Librivox Audiobook etc.

Finished Reading / Listening

The God Equation

 By Dr Michio Kaku
Source : Google Play Audio Books

The Theory Of Everything : The Origin and Fate of the Universe

By Stephen William Hawking
Source : Google Play Audio Books


By Christopher Paolini

Source : Hard Copy Book

Omens and superstitions of southern India

By Edgar Thurston
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

In my Current Reading / Listening List

The millionaire fastlane

By MJ Demarco
Source: Amazon Kindle 

The phycology of money

 By Morgan housel
Source: Amazon Kindle 

Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists

By Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying Ye

The 4 hour work week 

By Tomothy ferriss
Source: Amazon Kindle 

The Time Machine

By H G Wells
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Atomic Habits

By James Clear
Source: Amazon Kindle 

In my Interesting Future Reading List 

The Origin of Species

By Charles Darwin
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

The Lost World

By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Relativity : The Special and General Theory

By Albert Einstein
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

The Fourth Dimension

By Charles Howard Hinton
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

The Magic Factory

By Morgan Rice
Source : Google Play Audio Books

Pattern Classification

By David G. Stork, Peter E. Hart, and Richard O. Duda
Source : Digital PDF

Sidelights of Relativity 

By Arbert Einstein
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Mathematics for Machine Learning

By Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong
Source : Digital PDF

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

By Chistopher M Bishop
Source : Digital PDF

Algorithm Design (1st Edition)

By Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos
Source : Digital PDF

Phychopathology of Everyday Life

By Sigmund Freud
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Quantum Mechanics

By James Binney (Oxford University)
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Marvels of Scientific Inventions

By Thomas W Corbin
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

Theoretical Physics : From Outer Space to Plasma Various

by Oxford University
Source : LibriVox Audio Books

"Free Will and Neuroscience," Philosophic Exchange: VOL 43 : No. 1 , Article 3.

By Alfred R. Mele
Source : Digital PDF

Quantum Supremacy

 By Dr Michio Kaku
Source : Yet To Decide

Special Mentions

Since majority of time spend by me is on Internet rather than Books, I should say there are way more sources from where I acquire knowledge.  Here are contents that do not fall into above mentioned categories but is used by me for acquiring knowledge. 

This includes Podcasts, Programmes, Shows etc that I tune into almost everyday.

Lex Fridman

Star Talks Radio

Talks at Google


MIT Open Course Ware

The Royal Institution

Since there are too many Channel Sources to be mentioned, I am only mentioning my Top Favourites.


My Rides

This road bike has been my companion, helping me beat my past cycling achievements and personal records.

I had this during a time when Gym & Cycling was my escape from some of my troubling times.

This was officially my first owned cycle. Countless kms covered in this but that was all old times.